Newsdesk 2024 Contributors Information

Newsdesk 2024 Contributors Information

Our Newsdesk for 2024 is taking place on 22nd May. We are now gathering information from our contributors to identify any support needs that might be required, and then to start to promote the content of the event. Please complete this information and we will update our schedule.

Our Editorial Policy is available to view here.

Guidance on creating blogs and articles is available to view here.

Guidance on creating podcasts is available to view here.

Guidance on planning webinars is available to view here.

IN-CJ Newsdesk Topic Proposal
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Coordinator Name
Please indicate which country are working from?
Please give a general overview of the nature of the discussion and the relevance of the topics to the call-out.
Please list who else will be involved in this discussion, what their host organisations are.
Please indicate that you have read through the specification of the call-out and the relevant IN-CJ editorial guidance.