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IN-CJ Podcast 008 with Michael Nail

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IN-CJ exists to enable conversations to take place about international criminal justice. This podcast is the fourth of a series about the challenge posed to leaders by the COVID-19 crisis. The people working in the criminal justice system at the frontline across the world are facing unique issues in keeping services going and protecting the public.  It follows that their leaders are also facing unique challenges. John Scott wants to find out how leaders and organisations are responding to COVID-19.  It is a chance to share experiences and problems, but also to hear stories about creativity and changes.  How are you responding to ‘The Covid19 Leadership Challenge?’ In this episode John talks with Michael Nail, the Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Community Supervision (DCS). In his role, Michael is responsible for leading the day-to-day operations of one of the USA’s largest community supervision agencies, which is comprised of over 2000 employees responsible for the adult felony supervision of over 200,000 individuals.

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