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IN-CJ Newsdesk 2024 Call Out For Contributions “Women and Criminal Justice”

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Invitation to Contribute: IN-CJ Newsdesk 2024 Focus on “Women and Criminal Justice”

The International Network for Criminal Justice (IN-CJ) is pleased to announce the topic for the IN-CJ Newsdesk 2024: “Women and Criminal Justice.” We invite our network members to share their expertise, research, and perspectives on this important issue.

Background on the Theme

Women face specific challenges within criminal justice systems worldwide, influenced by systemic biases and a lack of tailored responses to their needs. These challenges can affect their experiences at every stage, from arrest to incarceration. Addressing these issues requires a thoughtful and informed discussion on how the criminal justice system can better serve women, considering their unique needs and circumstances.

Topics of Interest Include:

Contribution Details

Please note that contributions to the IN-CJ Newsdesk 2024 will be in the form of video presentations, ideally structured as conversations and discussions. These video contributions are expected to feature topic experts who will share their valuable experiences related to working on projects, developing professional practice, or undertaking evidence-based research within the theme of “Women and Criminal Justice.” These discussions can be either pre-recorded or live.

Deadline for Proposals: 10am BST Monday 29th April.

How to Submit: Send an Online Proposal

Event Date: 22nd May 2024.

The IN-CJ Newsdesk is an internationally focussed platform for engaging with a wide audience, including criminal justice practitioners, researchers, and policy developers, on key issues affecting the field. By participating, you will be contributing to a critical examination of how different criminal justice systems intersect with women’s experiences, helping to identify and promote more effective and equitable practices.

Join the Discussion

We value your contributions and encourage you to share your knowledge and views. This is an opportunity to be part of a crucial conversation on improving our understanding of how the international criminal justice system’s approach to gender.

By submitting your contributions to the IN-CJ Newsdesk 2024, you will play a role in advancing understanding and promoting reform. For submission details, please visit IN-CJ Website or get in touch with us at

For examples of past discussions, please visit our website.

We look forward to receiving your contributions.

Best wishes

Dr Rob Watson

Communications Manager, International Network for Criminal Justice

IN-CJ Newsdesk Topic Proposal
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Please list who else will be involved in this discussion, what their host organisations are.
Please indicate that you have read through the specification of the call-out and the relevant IN-CJ editorial guidance.
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