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IN-CJ is a web-site for people engaged in international development work in Criminal Justice. It aims to use new technologies to build new networks. It is open source. Ideas and connections flow from people meeting and exchanging – from working together – from thinking together. This network began during the 2020 lockdown because an international round table was cancelled. Innovation was the result and the work and papers were launched via the web rather than into a lecture hall or a journal.

IN-CJ believes in starting conversations about Criminal Justice and International Development. The network begins the discussion. Circles of interest develop. The potential for unexpected connections, surprising opportunities – non-linear starbursts of activity – lie ahead.  Just because that is the nature of the internet.

IN-CJ knows that the need for creative solutions to justice issues is greater than ever. The coming years will make international development work ever harder (budgets, travel, nationalism, the medium to long-term  implications of the Covid-19 pandemic) so this network will provide a platform for different professionals and agencies and nationalities to make the connections to make the magic that will make a difference.  And generate thousands of ideas in the process.

The Planning Group originated in the UK at De Montfort University.  DMU has a strong commitment to UN Development Goals and Criminal Justice strengths in Law, Human Rights, Police, Probation, Prison, Youth and Community Justice.

Network Members are, for example, academics, practitioners or policy leaders, who have submitted a paper of at least 1500 words and contributed to on-line discussions (seminar/podcasts/YouTube) – see our current list of contributors.  And look forward to planned contributions from upcoming contributors.

Corresponding Members are colleagues who want to be associated with the Network and to be kept in touch with developments – possibly with a view to future contributions or developing links or partnerships.  Contact us to register an interest.

Aims of the Network

  1. To provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, research and knowledge about international development and criminal justice.
  2. To build a network for a wide range of people across international boundaries so that connections can be made – initially the language will be English, but the network will strive to be open to using technology to be open and accessible to as many cultures and languages as possible.
  3. To provide a Knowledge Exchange facility
  4. To host topical events that act as ‘discussion starters’ across the international Criminal Justice community
  5. To contribute to the international dialogue via social media items such as podcast and YouTube postings.
  6. To bring together partners who can work together in new ways to deliver projects and programmes of international development work across the full spectrum of criminal justice needs.
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